Maybe it is because I am the middle child, or maybe it is the joy that comes from giving...but every once in a while I just have an itch to give away something and brighten someones life (in many cases, a husband and a wife).
If you have your eye on a product at SimplySweetMarriage.com or you have WISHful thinking that you could get a great deal on something we sell...lets make that wish come true!
What do you wish for?
free book? (Which one?)
free furniture?
free game?
free intimate object?
POST your product wish...make sure it is exactly what you want because IF your comment is drawn, you will be getting it in the mail!
Because I am pretty much in charge, I want some feedback about SimplySweetMarriage.com. Sure, I'd love to hear what you like, no LOVE about us, but if you share a "nice" complaint or "I wish SSM had..." that's okay too.
To get your wish:
1. Be or become a follower.
2. Enter as many wishes that you want by posting 1 comment/1 feedback per wish. :)
3. Make sure I have an email address to contact you at or that I can actually get to your blog from your comment.
4. If you post about this giveaway and link back to SimplySweetMarriage.com, it counts for 5 (FIVE!) entries. Just make sure that you comment that you blogged about it so that we can add in 5 more entries.
5. This giveaway ends on Friday, September 18th at midnight.
I will post 2 lucky WISHful winners as soon as we've made contact. We will also give away free shipping to 3 winners! Those are great odds~5 winners! You can win more than once if you post more than once when our random drawer picks you! (Rules above).
Have a sweet time with WISHful thinking!
I would love a copy of "And They Were Not Ashamed". I have looked at it numerous times at a bookstore.. and have yet to buy it! I am so interested in reading it! I love your site/blog! It's awesome! email.. Marrs1126@aol.com
I wish for the happy back tickler! My husband and I are big fans of back scratches/massages. I love simply sweet marriage. The unity between a husband and wife that this site promotes is something you don't see every day.
I love the Hot Heart Massager -- I think you do a great job with such a sensitive subject. Oh and I linked you to my blog ... :)
There are so many things I want, so here is my first of a few entrys.
I love the games on your site. They all look clean, but fun and a great way to connect together. I would love to win The Discovery Game.
cortneybarker at hotmail dot com
I really like your book section. I have wanted a book about intamacy, but don't want pornografic pictures or sections on practices I don't feel are appropriate. I would love to win either of the 101 Nights books...I can't pick which one so I would have to have you pick!
cortneybarker at hotmail dot com
I have been looking for some new sexy clothing that is affordable and haven't been able to find anything. I really like that you have affordable cute sexy wearables, but I wish there was a larger selection. The styles I like the most are only offered in plus size, and the standard size pieces are great, but either not totally my taste, or I already have somthing similar.
What I would like to win is Bath Tub Love. I love taking baths together and would love to take this on our upcomming anniversary trip.
cortneybarker at hotmail dot com
*Thanks for doing such a great giveaway. Im keeping my fingers crossed that I can win one of these!!
Well, I found your site from love actually. I love your site and became a follower that first time. I have many things I would love to have from your site. So, my first entrie is for the book and they are not ashamed. I love how you help couples get to know each other better, but use a very tasteful way.
I love your sexy wearables. They are very afforadable and tasteful. I only wish you had more costumes in plus size. I would love to win the midnight romance.
I would love to also recieve the MidNite Romance lingerie piece. I am 7 months pregnant and it says it maternity friendly and I so need some more lingerie for my sweetie.
I love all the games and would like to get them all, but I will start with the discovery game.
I really appreciate all the help and tack you have with this subject. I have a tilt cervix and I think the tilt would help in our relationship so, I would love to win a tilt.
I also blogged about your site and linked back.
I hope your random drawer chooses me.
I posted your link on my blog!
Heidie! I blogged about your giveaway today. I looked through all of your products and I am having a hard time choosing. So many fun things to have fun with my sweetie :) I think I would have to, if push came to shove, pick the tilt. It seems like it works a little better than pillows, haahaa.
The only advice I would have is to offer larger cup sizes when it comes to your sexy wearables. I am a double D cup and it's super hard to find sexy things to wear.
What a fun giveaway. As much as I hope I am chosen as a winner, I hope more people stop by for a chance to win. This is a great giveaway.
Thank you for your awesome blog! I became a follower! I wish for "101 Nights of Great Romance"
Thank you for having a safe place to go on the internet to gain education and view/purchase products than can enhance marriage. I wish for "How to be a Great Lover"
Thank you for the post on your blog about spicing up date nights by trying new and different things. Before I read that, I thought it was enough to just go out to dinner or something like that each week to reignite the passion BUT now we do something new, different and fun each week and it has made our relationship SOOOO much better! I wish for "The Discovery Game"
I love your mission on simply sweet--your attitude and outlook about marriage is beautiful! I wish for "Behind Closed Doors"
I must thank you for your resource page. I have found them very helpful with education and insights that have blessed my marriage tremendously. I wish for "Sex around the House" game.
I follow through Google Reader, since I don't do the whole "follower" thing.
I would love to win your 1001 Ways to Be Romantic book. Thanks!
The Magnetic Romance Kit looks fun, as well!
I love the Education and Resource links on your site!
We wish for something out of the sexy wearables. I.E. evening sea.
we also wish for something out of the game section, I.E. Discovery game.
We wish for something out of the personal care products, I.E. the Leo Luna balls. We really appreciate that you have this wonderful site up. No pornography like any of the other sites.
We already have a link to your sites on our blog.
Thanks for providing a great alternative to the "skankie" stuff that is all over the Internet these days - I've blogged about your site at http://manila2marriageclass.blogspot.com/
We'd love to try out the "Behind Closed Doors" game ...
sleye1stories at gmail.com
I just realized we could do this more than once! I would also love a game, my husband and I have never played a game like the ones you have.. i would love the discovery game! It looks like a great one. I love how tasteful and clean your site is! I don't feel bad about looking at things or reading things. That is rare, and you do a great job of it!!
Coleccion Deluxe Stripteuse.... we wish for this also! Looks like fun! (Email.. marrs1126@aol.com) I just love that you show marriage as something special and also intimacy. It is not something disgusting, or something anyone can have. You show it is special, between a husband and wife!
Thank you for introducing me to the song "I get that all the time"--I love it and voted for it! I also love the post about romantic language between spouses and cutesy names for spouses. I wish for the romantic massage kit. Should I win, my contact info. is jerjol@cableone.net
As a newly married I love how your blog discusses different aspects of love and romance in such a tasteful and yet helpful way. I'd be interested in the book "101 nights of great sex". I'm sure it would be helpful but something i'd have a hard time buying.
again another comment another entry I have been looking for a place where i can SAFELY find ideas and products that can inhance our relationship (ps read we were not ashamed, loved it) so I would also like the dream sweetly! love it
Romance Roulette is the game i love samae with bath love or something but ya i love how your games as so affordable!!! like everything else
I would LOVE the shorts vest...oh if I could only make my baby roll dissapear!!!
I would also love the white sweet dreams, the white makes me feel like i am on my honeymoon again!!! Love how your stuff is taseful
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